Lawn Care Services

At Down-to-Earth Lawns, we know that caring for a lawn properly means keeping up with the newest and best products and techniques available. To do that we are in regular contact with the experts at Michigan State University. Did you know there is a turfgrass research center in East Lansing? That is the source we use for the technical research that tells us what works here in Michigan. At Down-to-Earth, we use the results of the latest research in Michigan to give your lawn the best care possible. Great service is nothing without a low price. Your price could be as low as $29.75 per application. We at Down-to-Earth have always worked a little harder and charged a little less than our bigger national competitors.

Here is what Down-to-Earth Lawns delivers.

  1. Free service calls to check lawn problems
    Just call us if you suspect a problem. You see your lawn every day. If a problem starts to develop, you will be the first to spot it. Many problems are easier to control if caught early.
  2. Aeration to give your lawn's roots the best possible growing conditions!
    Aeration is one of the most important services for your lawn. It can help prevent many lawn problems. Core aeration is not the same as dethatching. Core aeration is done with a machine that pulls plugs of grass and thatch. This creates holes that allow water and nutrients to more easily penetrate to the root zone. You may have seen it done on golf courses. We use the best machines in the business to give your lawn the best aeration possible.
  3. Grub control for the same low price as an application of fertilizer and weed control
    At Down-to-Earth, you pay the same low price for grub control as you would for a standard application of fertilizer and weed control. And we use a product that is top rated in University tests! By applying the grub control in the spring, we also get control of many surface insects. Surface insects such as sod webworms, bluegrass billbugs, and chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn in the heat of the summer. We have learned from the top experts in the country that we can reduce their numbers and lessen the likelihood of damage just by applying our grub control with the right material at the right time in the spring.
  4. Free follow-up if you're unhappy
    If you are not happy, we are not happy. If you find, after waiting 10 to 14 days that your lawn is not looking the way you think it should, just call us and we will be out to see what is needed. No additional charge.

The Down-to-Earth Program: Giving your lawn everything it deserves.

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